Your body is an interface to the universe and your thoughts are input from the soul

This post explores the idea of life as a programmed simulation, redefining our understanding of bodies, thoughts, and free will.

Spiritual Art Journey
Woman, universe and music | Quote, Meme

Your body is an interface to the universe, and your thoughts are input from the soul.

Think of your body as a bridge between your soul and the world. Your thoughts are like messages from your soul. It would be similar to asking an AI to simulate the thoughts of a person with specific characteristics.

Imagine if life is actually a grand computer simulation, where our thoughts and actions are all part of a complex code. What if everything we think is random isn’t? What if every decision, every chance, is actually part of a predetermined program, and your thoughts are simulated by this ’Code of Life’ program? You wouldn’t know. But maybe you could feel it.

Would it matter?

Woman, universe and music
Posted in Spirituality & Philosophy on 3 juni 2023