Seeing ourselves in others

What if the characters on our stage are not separate entities, but rather mirrors reflecting back our own thoughts and perceptions?

Spiritual Art Journey

This statement suggests the concept of solipsism or the philosophical idea that one’s own mind is all that can be known to exist. In this context, it posits that our understanding and perception of the people we encounter are constructed by our own psyche, meaning they are filtered through our experiences, biases, beliefs, and emotions.

The people we meet could therefore be seen as ’manifestations’ or ’reflections’ of our inner selves. This perspective challenges us to consider how our understanding of others might be more about our own mind and less about the actual person we are interacting with.

This way of thinking can be traced back to various philosophical and spiritual traditions. For instance, in Buddhism and Hinduism, the concept of ”Maya” posits that the world as we perceive it is an illusion, a construct of our own mind.

In the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy, the idea of ”non-dualism” proposes that the individual self and the absolute (Brahman) are ultimately the same.

In the realm of psychology, Carl Jung’s theory of the ”collective unconscious” suggests that we share a level of unconsciousness with other members of the human species comprising latent memories from our ancestral and evolutionary past.

Psyche: Faces in a dream cloud
Posted in Spirituality & Philosophy on 1 augusti 2023